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An Art Portfolio makes your students stand out when applying to top-ranked, ivy league universities

An art portfolio is not simply a collection of your artwork. It is a compilation of carefully selected and photographed images that demonstrate critical thinking, artistic and technical talent. It is a visual résumé of your student’s dedication designed to make them stand apart from thousands of other applicants.

Susan Convery recently retired from 8 years as the advanced drawing and painting high school art teacher at American Heritage School in Plantation FL. Her students received national accolades and were accepted into top-ranked Ivy League Universities and art colleges often with significant scholarships. Susan now offers private, highly personalized guidance to artistically-minded US & international students virtually on Zoom and in person at her home in Plantation, FL.

If you have a student who is a visual thinker, willing to push the boundaries of their own work and serious about improving their options for college, Susan wants to hear from you! Schedule a time to discuss how she can collaborate with you to build a portfolio that will give your student the greatest chance for success.

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